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Embedded system

Name: Sistem tertanam
Code: SMK1600
Lecturer: Dr. Suherman
Course web:
Prerequisite: None
Credit: 2 SKS


Course content
Arsitektur ST32, ST32F4 Registers, GPIO Driver Programming, Timer Driver Programming, ADC Driver Programming, Periperal Programming: I2C and SPI, Display Driver Programming

Course hands on:
ARM Microcontroller ST32 and Keil MDK

Course references:
1. ARM Architecture Reference Manual by David Seal
2. ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques by William Hohl
3. ARM System Developer's Guide by Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, and Chris Wright
4. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture by Steve B. Furber


Embedded software

Name: Piranti lunak tertanam
Code: SMK1601
Lecturer: Dr. Suherman
Course web:
Prerequisite: None
Credit: 2 SKS


Course content:
Basic C and C++ Programming, Object-Oriented Firmware Programming, ​Implementing Inheritance in Embedded-C and C++, ​Developing an Object -Oriented Driver and Library, Implementing Polymorphism in Embedded-C and C++, Design Patterns and UML Notation, Hardware Proxy Pattern, Hardware Adapter Pattern, Client-Server Pattern, ​Observer Design Pattern.

Course hands on:
ARM Microcontroller ST32 and Keil MDK

Course references:
1. C und C++ für Embedded Systems by Friedrich Bollow, Matthias Homann, Klaus-Peter Köhn
2. Efficient Embedded Systems Design and Programming Textbook by Dr Alexander G. Dean

Applied electronics
Image processing
Digital signal processing
Advanced embedded system
Advanced image processing
Embedded operating system
Robotics and Intelligent sensor
Reactive power control
Advanced power electronics
Power quality
Power quality mitigation
Power electronics application
Power system harmonics
Power system grounding
Antenna systems
Wireless communication
Microwave engineering
Microstrip antenna design
Mobile communication
Advanced Microwave engineering
Mobile data network
Research method
Research seminar
special topics
special topics