Jl. Tri Dharma Pintu 4 Kampus USU Medan +6285296303816 mte@usu.ac.id


The current curriculum was constructed based on the national qualification framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI) with the graduation profile to fulfill research, managerial and teaching capabilities. The curriculum is designed to accelerate study accomplisment by giving the last two semesters for thesis subjects and completion. So that the students are expected to complete within two years even dough the maximum permitted study time is four semesters.

Recently, curriculum was improved by presenting Industrial Revolution 4.0 that is supported by the grant from the European Framework of ERASMUS+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Programme. The following skills are covered in Master program:

- Power engineering focuses on power quality

- Computer engineering focuses on Industry 4.0

- Telecommunication engineering focuses on wireless network.

The course materials are distributed into four semesters. The structure is adjusted to achieve the learning objectives, research support and timely study accomplishment.

Semester 1: Basic skills
Semester 2: Advanced skills
Semester 3 and 4: Research supports

Sample of suggested structure can be clicked here.

Curriculum Structure

Semester Code Subjects Credit (SKS)
I General subjects   
SMB1 600 Pengolahan Sinyal Digital 2
SMB1 601 Piranti Keras Terapan 2
Embedded System   
SMK1 600 Sistem Tertanam 2
SMK1 601 Piranti Lunak Tertanam 2
SMK1 602 Pengolahan Citra Digital 2
Power Quality   
SME1 600 Pengaturan Daya Reaktif
SME1 601 Elektronika Daya Lanjut
SME1 602 Kualitas Daya 2
Wireless and Mobile Com.    
SMT1 600 Sistem Antena 2
SMT1 601 Komunikasi Nirkabel 2
SMT1 602 Teknik Gelombang Mikro 2
Sub Total 10
II SMB2 600 Metode Penelitian 2
SPs 600 Koloqium 1
- Pilihan 1 2
- Pilihan 2 2
- Pilihan 3 2
- Pilihan 4 2
Sub Total 11
Semester Code Subjects Credit (SKS)
III SPs 601 Seminar Hasil Penelitian 2
SMB3 600 Topik Khusus 1 2
SMB3 601 Topik Khusus 2 2
SMB3 602 Tata Tulis Ilmiah 2
Sub Total 8
IV SPs 602 Tesis 6
SPs 603 Publikasi Ilmiah 6
Sub Total 12


Elective courses

No. Code Embedded System Subjects Credit (SKS)
1 SMK2 600 Sistem Tertanam Lanjut 2
2 SMK2 601 Robotika dan Intelligent Sensor 2
3 SMK2 602 Penggerak Perangkat Keras 2
4 SMK2 603 Pengolahan Sinyal Lanjut 2
5 SMK2 604 System on Chip 2
6 SMK2 605 Desain dan Aplikasi DSP Real-time 2
7 SMK2 606 Kendali Berbasis Jaringan 2
8 SMK2 607 Desain Berbasis FPGA 2
9 SMK2 608 Sistem Operasi Tertanam 2
No. Code Power Quality Subjects Credit (SKS)
1 SME2 600 Harmonisa Sistem Tenaga 2
2 SME2 601 Pengolahan Sinyal Kualitas Daya 2
3 SME2 602 Aplikasi Mitigasi Gangguan 2
4 SME2 603 Aplikasi Elektronika Daya 2
5 SME2 604 Sistem Transmisi Arus Searah 2
6 SME2 605 Kompatibilitas dan Interferensi Elektromagnetik 2
7 SME2 606 Pentanahan Sistem Tenaga 2
8 SME2 607 Energi Terbarukan 2
No. Code Mobile and Wireless Communication Subjects Credit (SKS)
1 SMT2 600 Antena Mikrostrip 2
2 SMT2 601 Gelombang Mikro Lanjut 2
3 SMT2 602 Komunikasi Bergerak 2
4 SMT2 603 Jaringan Data Bergerak 2
5 SMT2 604 Pengolahan Sinyal Komunikasi 2
6 SMT2 605 Aplikasi DSP dalam Sistem Radio 2
7 SMT2 606 Perancangan Radio Terintegrasi 2